About Us

About Us

PT. Trihasco Utama , an ISO 9001: 2008 certified Company – established in 1978, offers a comprehensive range of inspection and engineering services for a various industrial sectors, such as oil & gas, petrochemical, and power generation fields.
In order to provide a comprehensive solution to the client based on the latest development of advanced technologies, PT. Trihasco Utama has exclusive cooperation agreement with several international reputable companies.

As an experienced Company with qualified key personnel’s since last 16 years, starting from Dec 2008 PT. Trihasco Utama operated & growth independently with focusing on Advance Inspection and Engineering Consultancy for Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries.

Currently, PT. Trihasco Utama not only having strong qualified local engineers and inspectors, but also having back up from several International reputable Companies by its exclusive agreement, in order to provide the most advance technologies to the market with efficient and effective manner.

PT. Trihasco Utama , Perusahaan bersertifikasi ISO 9001: 2008 – didirikan pada tahun 1978, menawarkan rangkaian lengkap layanan inspeksi dan teknik untuk berbagai sektor industri, seperti bidang minyak & gas, petrokimia, dan pembangkit listrik.
Untuk memberikan solusi komprehensif kepada klien berdasarkan perkembangan teknologi terkini, PT. Trihasco Utama memiliki perjanjian kerjasama eksklusif dengan beberapa perusahaan terkemuka internasional.

Sebagai Perusahaan yang berpengalaman dengan personil kunci yang berkualitas sejak 16 tahun terakhir, mulai dari Des 2008 PT. Trihasco Utama beroperasi & berkembang secara mandiri dengan berfokus pada Inspeksi Lanjutan dan Konsultasi Rekayasa untuk Industri Minyak & Gas dan Petrokimia.

Saat ini, PT. Trihasco Utama tidak hanya memiliki insinyur dan inspektur lokal yang kuat dan berkualifikasi, tetapi juga memiliki dukungan dari beberapa Perusahaan terkemuka Internasional melalui perjanjian eksklusifnya, untuk menyediakan teknologi tercanggih ke pasar dengan cara yang efisien dan efektif.









Why Choose Us

Our Line of Business

PT. Trihasco Utama provides professional risk management consultancy services related to the design, analysis, costing, safety and operation of a wide range of industrial facilities.

Quality Assurance

PT. Trihasco Utama is committed to maintaining the highest standard of professional services. The company operates an ISO 9001 : 2000 Quality System based on a policy of "Do it once, do it right".

Our Partner

We are exclusive partner of the following company: › TechCorr USA, LLC : Advance NDE Technology. › TWI Engineering Services Ltd: Advance Engineering Consultancies. › TWI Training and Certification Ltd: Welding Diploma's, NEBOSH, etc

Work process

PT. Trihasco Utama

Provide High Quality Services And Added Value To The Client's