RBI (Risk-Based Inspection) method represents the next generation of inspection approaches and interval setting, recognizing that the ultimate goal of inspection is the safety and reliability of operating facilities. RBI, as a risk-based approach, focuses attention specifically on the equipment and associated deterioration mechanisms which represent the most risk to the facility.
As the part of the ongoing technical services of RBI (Risk Based Inspection) study for our Client, PT Trihasco Utama in cooperation with TWILtd have performed a RBI assessment of piping and pressure vessels located at Sumatera
The process of RBI Study consisted of a logical and systematic approach to manage the plant’s integrity by focusing the management action in prioritizing resources on critical equipment. It required a wide range of data to reliably assess the equipment’s probability and consequence of failure and subsequently develop an inspection and/or mitigation plan to manage the risk.
Step of The RBI Study is performed as described bellow:
Defining team members
- Building initial database for RISKWISETM.
• Collect data and information to generate asset register
• Define assumption for data and information which is not available
• Create asset register.
• Collect inspection history then summarize and enter the summary into the
RISKWISE database.
• Site visit to verify RBI scope and collect incomplete data undertake Damage
Mechanism review, determine Remaining Life and input data into RISKWISETM. Potential Damage Mechanisms for each component were identified based on the design, operating data, inspection results and expert judgment.
- RBI Assessment:
o Conduct risk assessment by determination of the likelihood and consequence of failure LoF and CoF)
o Risk profile review (discuss with Client)
o Inspection and mitigation planning.
o Implementing inspection and mitigation plan